“Wait, you used to do what now?”

I’m often asked … “how long have you been baking?” Or “what culinary school did you go to?”

The simple answer is, not long, and, I didn’t. Now, don’t go judging me just yet … I have been in the food/restaurant industry since my very first job at the age of 14 (Jack’s Bagels in Levittown, PA), and have remained so (obviously) up to this day. But prior to 2020, I was a spa therapist for 15 years! Yep. Facials, massage, manicures and pedicures. And like most things I do, I made sure I was damn good at it… using only the best ingredients and products. I’m not saying I was the best, I’m just saying I worked hard to do my best and learn the best. Something I’m very passionate about and carry with me to this day. My entire family has some sort of culinary training or passion. My mom was/is a chocolatier and is well known as “Aunt Sugar” because she always brings the best sweets to the party; her brother has owned/managed several restaurants in the Reading area, and his children now own 2 very successful breweries. On my father’s side, my dad and his siblings have always been food (and wine 🫠) connoisseurs and my dad always taught me to “live off the land” utilizing fresh produce and ingredients. But I found my true passion with the sweet stuff. I’ve always had a sweet tooth, but developing a gluten intolerance/celiac inspired me even more to make the sweet stuff healthier without compromising the quality and flavor. It can be challenging, but I’m always up for it.

Stay tuned, I have lots to share 🫶🏻


Surviving a pandemic